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Who is our enemy? Schemer

via TJC

“in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11

We have looked at the enemy’s skill in deceiving (lying, tricking, distorting God’s Truth) and tempting (luring, appealing, inviting us away from God’s presence)… Today, let’s meditate on his actual tactics.

Placing the word “schemes” under the microscope from 2 Cor. 2:11, we find the Greek word for schemes is noema. It’s commonly associated with mind, thoughts, purposes and intentions. The Holy Spirit is telling us in this letter that we can know the devil’s noema against our relationship with God! In military terms, this is knowing the enemy’s plans. When you know the enemy’s plans, you have an advantage over the enemy.

The challenge Paul is giving us in this letter is: think. Think on these tactics. And when we do, we begin to realize our enemy is not as brilliant as we give him credit for as “we are not unaware of his schemes.” If we don’t, then we give Satan a foothold to outwit us.

Daily Battle Order:

Two orders. Number one: claim the promise that you are not unaware of the devil’s schemes! Don’t believe the lie he is too powerful for our God-given minds.

Number two: Ask yourself… What is the devil’s noema for me today? How is he going to sabotage my Quiet Time? How will he attempt to scramble Comms in my marriage? Will he strategically push my buttons through traffic to consequently lash out at my kids later?

The Thief is only as good at stealing, killing, and destroying as we let him be. Otherwise, he will always overplay his hand.

1 comment

1 Comment

Feb 24, 2022

Good job on two orders. Yes know what enemy is about, BUT more importantly know what GOD is about in each of us!

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