Who We Are
“The Kingdom is at War”
“You are created for Victory”
“The Joshua Commission trains Kingdom Men”
The Joshua Commission is a movement of Kingdom Men discipled, trained and equipped to war against the forces we battle in the natural and supernatural battlespace (Ephesians 6:18).
We train on America’s historic battlefields to draw parallels and understand how our enemy conspires to flank in his losing effort. The Battle is won, but we still have to fight!
Kingdom Man: Every Kingdom Man is a Christian man, but not every Christian man is a Kingdom Man. A Kingdom Man is a male who is sure of his identity in the Father. Who is maturing in his faith as he applies God’s absolutes through love, grace and humility into his daily roles as a lover, warrior, teacher and King. He continually strives to grow in his faith, be consistent in his actions and leave a legacy worthy of the race he has run.
Our definition of a Kingdom Man is codified in our Creed.
I am a Kingdom Man. I am created by God to bear His image. I am a son and viceroy for my Father’s work. I am a warrior, lover, teacher and king.
I am a Kingdom Man. Like Joshua, I will be strong and courageous. I will train my mind and body for the battles to come. I will discipline my heart, eyes and tongue to be steadfast and faithful to the calling on my life.
I am a Kingdom Man. If a husband, I love and serve my wife, if a father, a loving father to my children. I will love and lead them as Christ loves the Church. If a brother, uncle, guardian, mentor or friend, I will give honor in all of my relationships. I will lead, teach, correct and train in the spirit of righteousness.
I am a Kingdom Man. I am called to breakdown barriers and free others from strongholds. I am a Peace Maker. My armor is Truth, Righteousness, Grace and Humility. I will stand in the gap for my neighbor and defend gospel justice for the marginalized.
I am a Kingdom Man. God is my provider. He has given me gifts and talents to exemplify Him with the work of my hands. I will work with diligence and excellence. My labor will be honest and it’s fruits purposeful.
I am a Kingdom Man with a Kingdom vision. Commissioned by Christ. My life is the Father’s. I am intentional. I will grow in my faith, be consistent in my actions and leave a legacy worthy of the race I have run.
I AM a Kingdom Man!