via TJC
Peter, in referencing the daring and self-willed who revile angelic majesties…
For speaking out arrogant words of vanity, they entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality…promising freedom while they are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.
- 2 Peter 2:18-19
It matters who we are listening to, who we are not listening to, and what we choose to do with either of those voices.
I had just left a few friends with whom I was having a political conversation. It also happened to be a season where I was attempting to ‘take every thought captive to Christ.’ I was very much in the political corner of my friends, yet when the discussion turned condescending and dishonoring, I had to separate myself.
See, for most of my life, I REALLY enjoyed eviscerating those leaders of a different political view. I craved being able to speak disgustingly of these perceived opponents. It was like a drug to disparage and ridicule those in positions of authority with whom I disagreed. I sought those in the News and social media who supported my ideas. I feasted on the wording of my political opponents, rolling around in my mind thoughts of how I could verbally dissect their ideas. I became addicted to the process, looking forward to the next. I could think of nothing else.
Then, I realized my peace was gone, and I could not remember my last enjoyable conversation with the Lord. I regret to say that the seductiveness of the political battle had overcome me.
For by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved…when we are enticed by fleshly desires and choose to entertain those thoughts mentally, we join forces with ‘powers and principalities’ to initiate our enslavement.
Daily Battle Order
While the Lord does not want us to be silent in the face of evil, neither does He want us to trade honor for worldly gain. Join me in the practice of resisting ‘arrogant words of vanity.’ Take time to pay attention to whom you are listening to. Do an honest evaluation to see if you are being seduced away from the commissioned work the Father has set out for you. If you discover it is so, practice being a quick repenter. ‘Father, forgive me for speaking dishonorably and choose to bless rather than curse.