via TJC
What is the Bible?
The Bible is made up of 66 books. 39 in the Old Testament and 27 New Testament. While the Holy Spirit is the main author, He chose to speak through 40 different writers, who cover a span of 1,500 years. Originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, at the latest count it has now been translated into 3,384 different languages, the most translated text in the world. The second most translated is The Little Prince at 380 languages.
The Bible is the most read book in all of history. It is the most recognizable and famous book that has ever been published. According to Guinness World Records as of 1995, the Bible is the #1 best-selling book of all time with an estimated 5 billion copies sold and distributed.
How accurate, historically, is the Bible?
The Bible should be examined as would any other work of antiquity. Historical accuracy is based on how many original or extant copies of a book are in existence. How many original manuscripts of the Bible are still in existence? The New Testament alone has been preserved in more manuscripts than any other ancient work of literature, with over 5,800 complete or fragmented Greek manuscripts cataloged, 10,000 Latin manuscripts and 9,300 manuscripts in various other ancient languages.
How many original manuscripts of Plato exist today? None. There are no original writings or extant scrolls of Plato’s writing in existence. Yet, no academic disputes the existence of Plato!
The historical books of the Old Testament are as accurate as any we have from antiquity, in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. After thousands of years of scrutiny by skeptics, the Bible continues to prove itself to be historically, scientifically, archaeologically, and morally true and accurate.
Daily Battle Order:
Do you have your own copy of the Bible? Today go and find a version you like whether on line through the YouVersion app or better - a printed copy that you can feel and move forward with us in this study.