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Week 2: FAITH - Day 2: What do you believe?


Week 2: FAITH

Day 2: What do you believe?

via TJC


Throughout the Bible we read the central theme of waiting, anticipation and desire for the “coming”; the coming of our savior and our Lord. Coming has been celebrated as a season, called Advent, throughout church history in the weeks prior to Christmas. TJC as a body of believers will be studying the Bible together in the four major coming themes of hope, love, joy and peace. Join us on this journey, as we all go deeper into the word. For many Bible study is an old habit, for others it’s intimidating. Press in with us and embrace spending quality time, reading and reflecting on brief verses, and hearing from God. Each of four weeks we will be looking at an essential verse, each day that points to Christ as our hope, our love, our joy, and our sense of peace. Each week we will introduce a new skill for you to practice and use in drawing closer to our Lord Jesus. As we celebrate his coming and await his return


10 He was in the world, and the world was made through him, and the world didn’t recognize him. 11 He came to his own, and those who were his own didn’t receive him. 12 But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become God’s children, to those who believe in his name: 13 who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 14 The Word became flesh, and lived among us. We saw his glory, such glory as of the one and only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:10-14 (WEB)

Quiet Time Challenge Example

Today, we focus on “5 Important Questions” to ask yourself about the study verse: Is there:

  • A command to obey? Yes, we need to believe in His name. v12

  • A promise to claim? If we believe, He has given us the right to become God’s children. v12

  • A Sin to Avoid? Not that I see specifically.

  • An application to make? As believers, we see His glory! v14

  • Something new about God? Even though He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, the world didn’t recognize Him. v10


Have you ever wanted something so badly that you prayed for it, maybe fasted and prayed and it was so long in coming you gave up any hope you’d ever receive what you had been believing for? Consider Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist. He and his wife were both righteous in the eyes of God, yet they had no children and were now up in years. Zacharias was a priest and went into the temple to perform his priestly service and there’s an angel standing next to the altar and tells Zacharias his prayers have been heard and his wife Elizabeth is to have a child who is to be named John. Zacharias is shocked and asks the angel “How shall I know this for certain?” Luke 1:18 Now, if it was me I’m sure I’d say “really?” or “are you kidding me?” So the angel identifies himself as Gabriel and tells Zacharias that because he didn’t believe his words, he would be unable to speak until the baby is born. Really? He didn’t say he didn’t believe, he just asked how he could be certain.

Let’s get back to our verse, especially verse 12 where it says, “But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become God’s children, to those who believe in his name “

Let me ask you this question brothers, “what do you believe?” The answer is eternal.


During this Advent, we are going to use the Every Man a Warrior Method for Bible Study.

With this method, we engage the scriptural verses by answering a number of questions, preferably in a journal.

Today, we focus on “5 Important Questions” to ask yourself about the study verse. Challenge yourself to answer these questions or ask if these questions can be answered - See below!

  1. Find a Quiet Place.

  2. Pray to Jesus Christ and ask for his presence guiding you in your studies.

  3. Re-read the Verses Above and ask yourself the questions below!

  4. Do you want to submit your Quiet Time? Do it ONLINE by clicking here!

Can you complete the TJC Quiet Time Challenge? We’re challenging men to follow the Every Man a Warrior Method for Bible Study. We have a special web page where you can do your quiet times in accordance with this amazing method. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR QUIET TIME JOURNAL


Every Man A Warrior is a discipleship Bible study that “Helps Men Succeed in Life". It helps them win the battles they fight every day. Since 2011, 50,000 men in 40 countries and in 18 languages have been impacted by the Every Man A Warrior curriculum. The Every Man A Warrior ministry joined Trans World Radio (TWR) in 2017 in order to take discipleship around the world. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT EMAW and learn about how you can implement this training series in your men’s group.



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