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Victory is in the Fruit: Abide - Much Fruit


“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” ~John 15:4, 8

This week I spoke with a brother who Abides well. He is 78 years old. He would say that, no one would look at his life and call him successful or victorious. He grew up black and poor in the South. He was unschooled. He didn’t learn to read until he was in his 60s. He had run-ins with the law, relationship struggles, bore family hardships and was “back-sliding” the whole time. That’s where he would start his story. Then without missing a beat, in a turn that would cause Jesus to marvel, he will tell you of the Goodness of God and remind you of God’s promises. He speaks of his Hope, Faith and Trust in the Lord; stories of how the Lord disciplined and pruned him in such a way as to make abiding a place “where there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.” His life is a resolute picture of spiritual maturity, abiding in Christ and having victory.

This is what I have witnessed in his life, and it IS VICTORIOUS!

Jesus said abiding is victory and it leads to “Much Fruit”. A man who matures and ABIDES in the word produces MUCH Fruit and is truly victorious. They are like the old gnarly vine that has and can withstand the droughts, the insects/bugs, and it’s those very characteristics enable him to produce amazing fruit. This is the man whose juice is filled with “Love Does”.

When I asked my brother how he abides so well he said, “I remind God of His promises.” He said it doesn’t to do it for God’s sake. God has not forgotten His promises to us. He does it to reassure himself that God is close and his promises are real. “When I speak the promises of God’s love and mercy, they come into existence.”

Daily Battle Order:

Seek out a Kingdom Man that you have witnessed Abide well. Interview him and ask him to pray over you. Speak His promises over your life, you will bear much fruit.



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