via TJC
“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Matthew 11:29 NLT
It has been a long time since I was a student in the traditional sense. My life has not consisted of classrooms and assignments or professors and tests since I left school in my mid twenties. However, I haven’t forgotten the work involved in that season of my life.
One of the things I remember clearly is the difference between classes or subjects that I loved and the ones I didn’t (usually the ones I was required to take but didn’t choose for myself). When I loved a class the work required wasn’t a burden but a joy. It was fun to learn in those classes and so it became easy - regardless of the workload. My most successful semester in school, in fact the only semester I ever got a 4.0, was the busiest semester of my life. I took 18 hours of core classes for my degree, no fluff classes to make it easier. I worked 25-30 hours a week and I even served as an officer in my fraternity. It was busy! But I was victorious.
I find a similar situation in my walk with Jesus. When I take his yoke (his teaching) and work to learn from him I find victory in my life. Even if all kinds of storms of life are raging around me I really do find rest for my soul. That is Kingdom Man victory!
Daily Battle Order:
Whether you are a student in a literal school right now or you are just continuing to learn lessons from life, stop and reflect on what kind of student of Jesus you are right now. Ask yourself, whose “yoke and burden” am I under right now? If it feels heavy you need to stop and get right with Jesus. Be committed as his student and dedicated to finding His victory.