via TJC
“In the eighth month of the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to Zechariah the prophet, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo saying,.” Zechariah 10:5 (NIV)
You have heard the saying “Two are better than one.” Climbers will often have a partner with them as they transverse a difficult mountain in case they need a belay. When traveling I would rather have someone with me, for companionship and to give each other a break when driving. I believe God made us to need others in our lives.
Last week we looked at Haggai and this week we consider his contemporary Zechariah. Both prophets relayed God’s message to His people. In a country no bigger than Judah I expect they knew each other or at least heard of each other’s message. Perhaps they encouraged each other. Hang with us this week as Zechariah had a lot to say.
Who is your companion in your walk with Christ? It may be your spouse or a close friend (who can be the same). Perhaps you have a mentor or are a mentor. Whomever it is, thank the Lord for that person right now. We all need someone on this journey. In The Joshua Commission we teach men that they need other men in their lives to hold them accountable, to be their wing man in the battles of life and to encourage them.
You may say to me that you don’t have anyone in your life right now to come alongside. Then find someone. You may be needed in the life of someone. You need someone to cry with and to laugh with. My wife and I have friends with whom we can do that. What a comfort they are to us. Ask the Lord to show you that person or persons.
Through the years I have had the privilege to minister with a lot of different people from all over the world. I have been blessed by them and hopefully I have been a blessing to them. I am sure Haggai and Zechariah were also like that, if only for a little while. But above all, I have the Lord Jesus who is always with me. He can be your best friend too.
Daily Battle Order:
Thank the Lord for putting others in our life to do life with. He sent them to help you walk closer to Him.
If you don’t have a close ally, pray and ask the Lord to send one to you. You need that – take my word for it.
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