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  • Writer's pictureTJC



“and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, “ 1 Corinthians 2:4

“Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.” Mark Twain

My major in college was Speech Communication. In my first public speaking class, there were a few key things that I learned in order to be an effective public speaker. The first key was to know your audience. Another key was to relate to your audience so they can believe you know what you’re talking about. In my life, I’ve learned that no matter whom I’m speaking to, whether in business, my friends, or to my own family, the key element is: Do I believe in what I’m saying? Do my actions demonstrate my confidence in my message? Do I speak as one having authority? If my actions don’t support my message, why should anyone listen to what I have to say?

The company I now represent manufactures electronic presentation products. When I first started working with them 17 years ago, no one used our products in our company meetings. As I became more familiar with our products, I started using them in my presentations in our meetings; it gave me credibility because I BELIEVED enough in our products to use them myself. Though technology has advanced the basics remain the same: know your audience, relate to them on their level, and let your actions show that you believe in the message you’re delivering. 

Daily Battle Order:

What is the message you’re delivering? Who are you delivering it to? Do your actions demonstrate your confidence in the message you're delivering? Does your lifestyle demonstrate the confidence you have in the message you’re delivering? Today, begin living a lifestyle of disciple making. It is Showtime!



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