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Writer's picture: TJCTJC

via TJC

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. -Hebrews 11:1

The following is a story of an imagined participant in the Battle of Gettysburg. This battle was a turning point for the United States, and the hopes and dreams of those involved are landmarks to the heart and soul of our nation. In anticipation of our annual Gettysburg battlefield training, TJC authors have taken creative liberty to generate some of those hopes, informed by history, that resonate through generations to our present time. Our hope is that it ministers to your spirit.

From letters written from Devils Den

July 3rd, 1863

Dearest Mother,

The battle here at Gettysburg rages on. How I miss Georgia. We have been placed in a rocky outcropping that seems like the center of the whole battle to me. The Union boys on the hill above are creating havoc with their big guns and even though we are making them pay a price ours is worse. These rocks provide some safety but mostly they feel like a trap to me with little hope of escape. We are pinned down by their gunfire and I only hope for the chance to withdraw to safety. There is a way but we have to pass some pretty exposed ground to get there. I pray for God’s mercy.

Your Loving Son

John Rutherford


July 5th, 1863

My Dear Jane,

The battle is over. Colonel Lawerence saved the day for us in daring fashion, driving the enemy back when they fought to take our position. How devastating is the scene. Never has so much death been before me. During the heat of the battle we looked down from our hilltop at those Rebs trying to hide in the big rocks below us. They took their toll on us but in the end couldn't take the pounding we gave them. Two days ago we saw a group making their escape across an opening in the rocks. I saw a boy fall as he passed, from my bullets or another's I cannot say, and his body lay where it fell until today. What I am perplexed by today is the photographers taking pictures to memorialize this terrible battle. I saw them capturing the image of the poor boy but then something strange happened. They moved his body to another spot and arranged it just so, like he had been killed while sharpshooting at us boys on the hill. I can't help but wonder what other falsities are being created to tell the story the way these men want it told instead of how it really is. I long to see you and hope to return to Maine soon.

Yours only



There is a famous photograph from Devils Den following the terrible battle at Gettysburg. It is of a soldier who very likely had in fact been pinned down by Union fire. As Kingdom men we often come under fire from our enemy. It has been determined that this photo was actually staged for a more dramatic image - in effect a lie. Our enemy's attacks often are not as obvious as bullets but instead are subtle like a staged photo. Our enemy after all is the father of lies. As Kingdom Men we do not need to fear any of the enemy's attacks, straightforward or subtle, because our commander has equipped us for victory. We just have to be aware of the attacks and bring all of our defenses and weapons to bear. Are you watching and ready for the enemy's attacks on your position?

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:10-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬


SIGN UP FOR GETTYSBURG: Calling all Kingdom Men! The Joshua Commission will hold its annual Gettysburg Battlefield training 15-16 October or meet us on the battlefield on 16 October at 0830

Click the link above to sign up. Please join us in Gettysburg, experience genuine fellowship with Christian men, and equip yourself for Victory as a prince and warrior in God’s kingdom!




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