via TJC
Proverbs 29:2 says, “when the righteous thrive, the people rejoice: when the wicked rule, the people groan”. Boy, do we live in a nation that needs some rejoicing, God shared with Moses in Deuteronomy 1:13 to choose wise, understanding and respected men from each of the tribes. In America we have the honor and the duty to seek righteous, wise, understanding, and respected leaders.
Right there within those two verses we see the problem as a nation, for none of us personally know the candidates intimately. We have their record, and performance in the highest offices within our nation to frame our own decision. Culture and media want to distract us about the candidates – their personal flaws, their words, even performance records in order-to influence our decision. Right now, there are two viable candidates who we have to assume want to actually be known as wise, understanding, respected and righteous. The candidates come from two opposing perspectives; one that wants to pull us back into a conservative framework, the other wants to push us into a progressive framework. Both frameworks have good points on paper.
The election surfaces many topics that push/pull debates ranging from all elements of our bill of rights - perspectives on freedom, weapons, our legal rights, trials, and even punishment. As Christian men we especially care about the deeply moral issues framed right off the bat within Genesis; created by God in his image as men and women with all bearing his image and value, we value all life, unborn through the elderly. We protect our citizens, and those who we have welcomed.
This week we want to help you frame your decision, and have a God first conversation with our neighbors, friends, co-workers and even your family (maybe the most confrontational). Everyone repeats an off-quoted piece of advice “don’t talk about church and politics”. Well, we do, because our faith is our world view, and politics is a real part of our existence, and our faith must inform our politics. We owe it to this generation, and future generations to make wise decisions, and use our collective time, talent and treasure effectively as a nation.
This week we will frame out the scriptural reasons to be an engaged and informed voter, we are then going to look at the core spiritual topics that culture is framing ignorantly to the word of God.
Daily Battle Order –
READ this week’s DBOs, and then comment back, share your wise opinions, and have a dialog with your family. Your informed vote, and those you influence matters deeply.