Promise Of The Ages
via TJC
“In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.”
—Romans 9:8 NIV
“Look… I know the announcement might feel like a big one, but I promise: Not much has changed…”
Those were the words the HR representative told me after I learned my Paid Time Off was being reduced from discretionary (unlimited within reason & approval) to 20.0 days max.
The global company I work for made the sudden move to designate a large swath of American employees (myself included) as “non-exempt” to be in compliance with some random federal law. This meant a few changes, but the biggest among them being the PTO reduction, plus no more Sick Days.
You may be reading this thinking to yourself, “Gee, I’d be content with 20 days of PTO! First-world problems!” All I can say, put yourself in the shoes of someone who agreed to join the company under the discretionary agreement. It would be especially disheartening if you had a baby coming in June 2025 and depended on that discretionary PTO to spend as much time with your newborn as possible…
Imagine if your employer went back on their word like that. Worse yet, imagine if your paycheck didn’t come as planned. A promise broken.
What if promises from God were like that? Able to be broken? What if one day, your favorite promise from God—eternal life with Him in heaven… how He’s always with us… that one sin you committed long ago wasn’t forgiven—what if one day, that promise was… broken?
Everything about God’s nature would be fractured. Suddenly, 1 Corinthians 14:33 (“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace…”) becomes… confusing. At some point, very soon, panic would likely set in.
This Christmastide, TJC gratefully reminds you God’s promises are unable to be broken. As today’s Anchor Verse states, “it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.” In other words, God’s Great Spiritual Family was not, is not, nor will ever be dependent upon a physical bloodline, but rather a spiritual bloodline. A belief in Him and His faithfulness. And a turning away from sin.
TJC joyously reminds you of the Promise of the Ages:
“God is with us.”
Forever & ever.
Battle Order
Pick a promise to thank God for right now in prayer:
He is our Protector.
He is our Provider.
He is our Counselor.
He is our Rescuer.
He is our Teacher.
He is the Truth.
He is our Light.
He is the Way.
He is Life.
He loves us.
He sees us.
He heals.
He understands us.
He forgives us.
Nothing stands against Him.