via TJC
“And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2
The Messenger, no matter where he travels has two essential qualities; he is a faithful man, and he is able to teach others to do what he is doing as well. It’s pretty straightforward. However, those he disciples can vary especially by the region they are from. As a regional sales manager, my territory has changed over the years. From Michigan and Canada to the mid-Atlantic region, and then expanding and including the Northeast region. The similarity between being a salesman and a disciple maker is notable. As a sales manager, my aim is to build a relationship with my customer so they believe in me and the message I’m carrying about the products I represent; and, in many cases, them telling their colleagues and selling on my behalf. How I deal with the people I encounter, the approach I take, the message I deliver varies upon the region. Region is not limited to geography, it encompasses culture, access to technology, rural and urban areas. A man in rural Kansas and a Government employee in DC have different regions based on culture, demographics, technology, even the size of the church they go to. As a Messenger, my mission is the same but some aspects change, as a disciple maker we are always on a mission and need to learn that culture.
It all begins with building a relationship, and that relationship is key to learning the heart of the person I’m discipling. Where the person comes from, their background, their life experiences, their age, their geographic history all determine my approach in dealing with my disciple and in turn making him into a disciple maker.
Daily Battle Order:
Determine your region and the culture of those in your region. Build your relationship with your disciple and then deliver your message to them. Have them walk your message out with you and then, help them to seek their own disciples in their regions and their cultures.
“It’s all about relationships Stupid”