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LEADER - Be the Example in Christ

via TJC

“not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:3 ESV

I feel a sense of humility thinking about myself as a leader during my self examination and quiet times with God.  I often feel that I should be further along and at a higher leadership level,  and at  same time I am floored by the opportunities God has given me.  I’m now a Flight Chief of three work sections and have this amazing and unique opportunity to directly impact those around me at all levels in my Air Force occupation. I have my family and three young sons. And I’m a leader writing and sharing with you right now.

My AF goal is to command and be a truer form of myself, yet I am satisfied where God has placed me. I didn’t think/expect that I would now be the top enlisted at my rank within my skill set at my new base. But God did. Most leadership opportunities come when you least expect it and feel unqualified or fully ready. That is a key quality of a leader, do not  assume you have it all figured out,  but be confident that you have what it takes, as you trust those you lead to perform well. 

General Patton famously quoted, “Do everything you ask of those you command.” As a leader, you have to carve out time to prepare and execute. You can’t fly by the seat of your pants. There have to be times where you must trust your experience. Leadership is not something you can fake, you must prepare, practice, get feedback, model the example of other leaders/mentors. Be the example others will want to model and be mentored by.

I choose to continually strive and learn through prayer, reading my Bible, contacting mentors, and practicing my leadership skills through everyday living.

Daily Battle Order:

Who are your mentors that you respect as leaders; have you talked with them lately? Do you have the confidence to ask those you lead for feedback and listen to them? Your family expects you to lead, especially head strong teenagers; ask them how you can be a better example. 



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