via TJC
“May you act worthily in Ephrathah and be renowned in Bethlehem, and may your house be like the house of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah, because of the offspring that the Lord will give you by this young woman.”
Ruth 4:11-12
This week’s bible journey takes us into the book of Ruth; the women who becomes the Arab mother of Israel’s Kings. Escaping a drought, then being widowed, we will be sharing about Ruth’s second husband - Boaz.
Growing up my father often commented on men he respected and singled out as models for me to emulate, with the word combination of a “man’s man”. I didn’t have google to look that one up, but it was very apparent that these men were masculine and had earned the respect of other men. Their backgrounds and livelihoods varied to include military, state police, musicians, priests, teachers, coaches; these men knew who they were and carried themselves with confidence and strength. And each of them was humble.
Boaz is a man’s man; as you will read this week. Boaz loves God, shows deep respect in his relationships, is a successful and shrewd businessman, and honors and protects; to be called a kinsman redeemer.
Daily Battle Order;
Though my father died almost six years ago; his phone number is still in my favorites list; and I miss talking with him. My dad humbly pointed out others, but the common denominator was my own father. I thank him for clearly demonstrating and teaching me to “man-up”.
Some of you have also lost a father, but we also have those coaches, and men discipling us in our lives. Today call your father, or your mentor, and thank them for showing and teaching you what it is to be a man’s man.