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Imago Dei: Created by God in His Image

Writer's picture: TJCTJC


So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” Gen 1:27 (NASB)

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise. Galatians 3:28-29

“...for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7b

Wearing a sweatshirt with Imago Dei printed on it is subversive. It goes against the present world order.

Throughout human history there has been the tendency to divide people, between “us” & “them”, or “my tribe” and “others”. When any group becomes an “other”, they can be viewed as less than human therefore not deserving of respect or dignity. At the extremes are genocides (e.g. Nazis calling Jews “rats” or Hutu calling the Tutsi "cockroaches") and totalitarian brutality (such the KKK calling other Americans the “n” word). 

You do not have to go to extremes to see examples. Recently our own country has seen large increases in efforts to divide us, whether along lines of race, politics, language/national origin, gender, age/generation, sexual preference, pronouns, born/unborn, all seek to divide between “us” and “them”. Our political environment especially wants to poise us against one another.

These tendencies towards viewing “others” as less than human, are what we can see above the surface. The root of these multiple divisions is a strategy of the enemy.

The counter to this diabolical scheme is to recognize that “God created man in His own image”, and that God did this at the very beginning. The term “imago Dei” is Latin for "image of God". ALL are created with God’s dignity and value. The term is a fundamental aspect of Judeo-Christian belief that describes the relationship between God and humanity. It also helps to understand human nature.

If you grew up with brothers/sisters you likely “argued”,  BUT, if someone beyond the family threatened your brother or sister, they would have to come through you to get to them. Likewise, when you see another human being, do you see them as “other” (looking to the outside appearance as man sees), or recognize them like a spiritual brother/sister, also made in the image of God.

There are consequences whether or not we recognize the Image of God in others:

  • It is the foundation for “dear neighbor”- our desire to discuss these topics

  • It impacts our view of abortion: In utero is that a “lump of fetal flesh” or a human being deserving dignity and respect? We absolutely recognize the unborn as creations of God.

  • It is intergenerational, how we treat our Grandparents, or Gen-Alpha, etc.

… and the list goes on.

The consequences of our upcoming election can feel overwhelming. They should as our decisions matter now and in the future.

I am meeting this battle from my knees.

I am fighting this present age by trying to give every individual I meet, whether or not they look and think like me, the dignity and respect they deserve. I’m not always successful, but it is getting better with practice.

Daily Battle Order:

Be a subversive (to this present age) and represent our King by giving every individual you meet the dignity and respect they deserve. And practice to get better.

And let the lens of imago Dei influence your interaction with society, and how you choose to vote. 



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