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Hosea and a Hooker

via TJC

The whole country has become a whore house, as God speaks to Hosea for the first time saying “Find a whore and marry her. Make this whore the mother of your children. HERE IS WHY - the whole country has become a whorehouse unfaithful to me, GOD. Hosea did it. He picked Gomer, daughter of Diblaim. She got pregnant and gave him a son” Hosea 1:2-3 MSG

Mrs Hosea (ii.e. Gomer) appears to be one of the craziest people God weaves into lessons for us. But in 8th century BC Israel has had six different kings in 20 years, and four of them were assassinated, and Assyria in 722 conquered Israel. But let's take a look at church; wow church was way different - people used temple prostitutes, adopting fertility cults. And we think some of our own churches are off the charts. But it seems that Mr and Mrs Hosea were to be a reflection of marriage through unfaithfulness, and eventually a model for kings to return to God.

God charges Israel with a list of unfaithful offenses through Hosea’s prophecies - lying, stealing, adultery, violence, murder, idolatry, prostitution and sex with temple prostitutes; pretty much breaking the foundation of Jewish laws in the 10 Commandments.

When you break these commandments - what is even the point in going through the motions of being faithful to God?

I’ve broken most of the 10 commandments, I’ve made too many things little “g” gods, I’ve made to many things idols - that took my time and devotion away from God. My language has been vulgar and dropped a few G-D’s too often, Sabbath days sounds like a great idea. I’d love to make up to my parents -deceased now the dishonor I showed as a rebellious teenager. And I’m personally going to stop there on that list, as you get the point (and some of my sins are not your business). And if you're keeping score and think you're better- this isn’t a batting average, as God isn’t impressed with your .700. We all strike out in the worst and least of our sins.

Going deeper into the book of Hosea; Gomer abandons Hosea and returns to prostitution. And then Hosea buys her back. Hosea's willingness to take on such a sinful wife, impressed others and Gomer, with a message that Hosea loves her no matter what. It is absolutely irrational love, like we have for our own children when they do terrible things. Love is stronger than sin and evil.

Daily Battle Order:

The Bible is full of stories like this where love overcomes everything. The prodigal son. Peter being asked by Jesus three times “do you love me” after denying Jesus three times. How about your life? Where has God shown his love for you despite your sin?

God says in the end of Hosea - “I will heal your unfaithfulness, my love will know no bounds” Hosea 14:4

Today don’t go through the motions and another attempt to repent for unfaithfulness. How about just getting quiet for 10 minutes and thanking God for his irrational love and that he never severs His promised relationship with you?



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