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His Majesty

via TJC

 "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth". Psalm 8:1

Majesty is a funny word- both a title and a description of the incredible power and work of a King.  As Americans we don’t relate well to terms about royalty. That is a shame for we simply don’t have similar words for God as our King and we miss that we are his adopted sons - we are royalty and co-heirs to His Kingdom. 

We start with just His name, for even Jesus teaches us to honor Him in prayer for hallowed is His name. 

But do we see all His power and work in our lives - from the our King, our majesty and truly thank and honor Him? And when we don’t, we fail to see our righteousness and standing as His sons?

This morning turned into something pretty special. What started as a simple honey-do task—updating our TV screensaver with recent family pictures—ended up being a meaningful time together. After a nice cup of French press, the family all gathered in the living room, and I started screen-sharing some of our memories from 2024.

As we watched, we laughed and reflected, even realizing we’d forgotten some of the amazing things that happened this year. It’s been an interesting year, with the challenges of cancer, a PCS move, and the blessing of welcoming a new Kingdom Man to the family. But looking back reminded me how faithful His Majesty has been through it all.

In this season, I’m especially grateful for little moments like this morning. They help me reflect on Jesus’ birth and how miraculous His arrival truly was. Moments like these make me stop and appreciate just how good He is- that He is our Lord. He created all of nature, and each of us, and orchestrates our lives as we are obedient to Him. 

Daily Battle Order:

Take time to reflect and then share with your family all our Majestic God has enabled, delivered you from this year. 

Then lead your family in our Lord’s prayer and pause and reflect on His name

and that he adopted you and calls us His sons and daughters.



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