via TJC
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is …kindness. And against such things, there is no law.
For many, there is no distinction between ‘being nice’ and ‘being kind.’ Nice is being pleasant and agreeable. On the other hand, being kind means being generous and helpful; thinking of others first.
I was speaking at a sales conference on leadership. With a couple hundred attendees, I chose to wear a suit and tie. You can always take a jacket off if the group is less formal and more business casual. It turned out the group was more formal.
In discussing how an effective leader considers the team's condition, that a good shepherd knows the condition of the flock, I mentioned the difference between ‘being nice’ and ‘being kind.’
Shortly after, a young lady in the front row raised her hand. Acknowledging her, she said, ‘Excuse me, but your zipper is down.’ Knowing the uselessness of trying to recover, I decided to go with the moment. Turning my back to the audience and adjusting my attire, I rolled right into thanking the young lady. Then asked, “How many of you saw my condition before she made me aware?” Many raised their hands.
“You all were being ‘nice’ by overlooking my condition. You overlooked my embarrassing status, not wishing to make me uncomfortable. “But being ‘nice’ cost none of you, but it certainly would have left me ‘open’ for my next session. In this living example, most of you were ‘nice.’ But this young lady was very ‘kind’ to me, alerting me to my dire condition in an honorable manner. She took a chance but thought more of me than herself.
Daily Battle Order
Pay attention to the Holy Spirit, looking for opportunities to be kind. Be prepared for tender moments when you can spare someone unintended harm or discomfort yet provide quality information. When your boss makes a mistake, be kind without being condescending. If your wife seems terse and short, in kindness ask how you can help. And be prepared to listen. It’s His kindness that leads us to repentance, not His niceness.