via TJC
”having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,“
Ephesians 1:18 ESV
How we deal with the chaos we talked about yesterday has a lot to do with our perspective of who we are. As Kingdom Men it has even more to do with believing who God says we are and what our roles are as men. When we get a grip on who God has called us to be, we can see through the chaos and see the path to victory. Your wife gets angry with you - can you look at her through a lens of love? One of your kids is being bullied - do they see you defending them as you see through the lens of a Warrior? Do you take the lead in your family finances - seeing through the lens of a King? How about investing time with a younger neighbor who needs advice - seeing through the lens of a teacher?
The circumstances of chaos will vary, but as Kingdom Men we can deal with chaos God's way by seeing things His way. A mentor of mine challenged me to consider God having a telescope with the small end with Him and the big end with me. If I stay at my end and try to use the telescope everything I look at is small and hard to distinguish. If, however, I invest my life into getting closer to God, I can see things from his perspective, the small end, I will see things more deeply and more clearly. My perspective will let me see the storms coming from a distance and I will be able to prepare to face them as a Lover, Warrior, King or Teacher as needed.
Daily Battle Order:
Talk to your family tonight about the four lenses. Ask them how they see themselves using each lens in their lives. Feeling brave? Ask them how you are doing with each lens.
Remember that a teacher is always a student and judges not. I have quietly talked to gang bangers in my class. "I know your life is rough and you don't sleep at night" "You don't have real family except those that accept you". Now take a walk around the school twice but before you walk out understand I will tell you, " get out of my class until you wake up" and if anyone asks you for a pass tell them your teacher was a United States Marine. The class always thought I was talking trash. Judge not and above all else love one another. Sometimes they remember respect instead of trash talk.
Angel Warrior.