via TJC
This and next week TJC is addressing core items we consider “absolutes”; those items often discussed and addressed in cultural dialogs, where we align with God’s word. We all know people whose life experience and decisions are different and we know God loves us all the same, however His Word is not up for debate as a Kingdom Man/Family.
If you do not agree please respond in our comment section as we would love to have a “curious conversation” and listen to you.
“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.” ~Luke 10:33
“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.” ~Ephesians 1:4-6
We believe all people are created in God's image and are valuable and precious because He said so. We believe He demonstrates our value to Him through love, from before the womb and beyond the tomb.
Have you ever felt invisible? Have you ever asked for help and been ignored? Have you ever questioned why they didn’t help you? Did you think it was due to your appearance or beliefs? Did that make you feel discounted? Have you ever treated anyone in a way that made them feel discounted, devalued, or unseen? If you answer yes to any of that, you are not alone. Jesus knew that was an issue then, and it’s still an issue now. God will hold us accountable for how we treat other image-bearers.
In a parable, Jesus uses a Samaritan, a people the Jews considered below them, and a faith they considered pagan, to demonstrate that all people matter and are precious to God. The Samaritan set aside his preconceived thoughts, cultural attitudes, and “-isms” he had toward the Jews. He did the Godly thing and saw the man as a man, and not as an enemy or “other” because he knew what God’s word said. Jesus then challenges us to “go and do likewise.”
The gospel is the most inclusive message ever given. It’s for everyone, from everywhere, in every circumstance, regardless of what we might think. The only thing that matters is what God thinks, and He says, “Value them because I value them.”
This message is driven home by Paul in Ephesians 1:5, "He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, by his pleasure and will". Just as we have been adopted by Christ here in the U.S., people all over the world, in far-off places like India, Iran, China, Brazil, Sweden, and Nigeria have also been adopted by Christ. Why? Because the Earth is a reflection of God’s glory, beauty, and diversity, He called His creation “Good,” and we are His creation. Like a beautiful bouquet, where each flower represents a life and a story. We are a part of one body, a body He deeply values, united to glorify Him and to be his hands and feet (the Doers of Love) in our communities and across the world.
Daily Battle Order:
Kingdom Man, if your kids were asked, "What does your dad value more, people or his team?” What if we asked your neighbor what your family values more? What would they say? Give your family, especially your kids, permission to hold you accountable. Intentionally have conversations with them about valuing others. Ask them what’s one way they can show they value someone this week.