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Consistency In Action - When Alone

via TJC

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.  For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow.  But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!”  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

This week we will be focusing on Consistency In Action relative to discipleship.  Consistency In Action When Alone, At Home, At Work, At Play, and At Church.  Consistency In Action is not solely for my sake; it is for THEM. So, who are the THEM?: 


The THEM are those people who are in your sphere of influence, and who aren't just the obvious and comfortable. This Consistency In Action growth requires stretching, and kneeling. It requires a humility and understanding that is filled by the Holy Spirit. Consistency In Action may break you and ask you to ask the hard questions and seek the hard answers that are truthful. Which leads THEM to open up their heart for  relationship with Jesus and for disciple making (Ref. Joshua 4:21-24).  


Consistency In Action starts when you are alone.  When no one else sees you.  When it’s just you and your thoughts and your actions regarding how you spend that alone time.  Are you making the most of that time by using it in such a way that is honoring and pleasing to the Lord, or not?  What are you watching?  What are you reading? What are you listening to?


Let’s face it men, we are never really truly alone.  God is with us at all times.  But we often forget that, or worse, choose to ignore that fact, and fill that alone time with pursuits that are not fruitful, or edifying, or of lasting value.

Daily Battle Order:

Consistency In Action when alone sets the stage for Consistency In Action at Home, Work, Play, and Church.  Commitment to being consistent in making the most of time when alone for pursuits that are honoring and pleasing to the Lord positions us to be able to lift others up vs. the opposite.  Daily Battle Order: Commit to consistently surrendering alone time to pursuits that are honoring and pleasing to the Lord to position yourself on the high ground in the battle against self, and thereby positioning yourself to lift others up.



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