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Connecting Men: The Joshua Commission

via TJC

“that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine.”

Romans 1:12

Connection… Most of us think we have at least a grasp of the concept, especially when it comes to friends and family. I feel like I have a strong connection with my wife and daughters. God has blessed us with positive and real relationships. Not perfect… but solid. Solid enough to have a place to confidently “sink our roots” spiritually and emotionally. I’m so thankful to the Lord for that.There are even some connections outside of immediate family where this is the case.

But what of the connection within your fellowship of male believers? We at The Joshua Commission prefer the term cohort, defined as “a group of people banded together”. If you have been with us during our periodic battlefield training sessions, you would know this to be an appropriate term. We reinforce this concept in our training at every turn. We camp, we eat (a lot), we pray, we study history, we fellowship on the spiritual and emotional level, we get real with God and with each other. Spiritual warfare is difficult and dangerous, it’s not for sissies, and no man should have to face it alone. Oh… I guess we should mention… we have a BLAST!!

Bottom line, we are preparing (discipling) men for battle on the last battlefield. We do not waste our time on distractions like “Which sin is the worst and how can we stop doing it?” , or “How many “Christian” projects should I take on?” (what a sad waste of time). TJC is about learning together what Christ’s love really is. It’s about discovering the source and providing the remedy for the fear, shame, and guilt in our lives and doing it as brothers. It’s about letting Jesus make real men in a world full of useless boys. All this can’t happen until we connect together as a band of brothers… a cohort.

Daily Battle Order:

Be a man. God is waiting for you to step up and lead your family, your circle of friends, your co-workers, and other men. We are with you. Explore our website and learn more about your true purpose as a Kingdom Man.



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