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Bearing With One Another…

via TJC

Therefore, I, Paul, the prisoner of the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, being diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.- Ephesians 4:1-3

Walk in a manner worthy, bearing in love and being diligent to keep… I love the fact that words have meaning. These are words of action but so often, we forget to act.There was a man in my church who had learning disabilities.  He was kind and very generous but had trouble with social skills. The church was a place where he assumed he would be accepted and loved. But he was an acquired taste and ruffled feathers often.While talking with others, he would insert himself into the conversation abruptly and completely change the topic. He would often aggressively invite himself to meals and small gatherings. His social awkwardness caused many, myself included, to talk about him unflatteringly and avoid him.  One day, as I saw him coming, I ducked into the bathroom. Funny how going to the restroom can be a useful tool. While meditating on the words above at the urinal, I became convicted. Was I walking in a manner worthy of my calling?  No!  My actions were devoid of humility and gentleness and I was actively running from situations where I would need patience.  It was no wonder that people were noticing a lack of unity in our church.  When I avoided another brother simply because he was odd, I was hurting both him and myself.

Drying off my hands, I thanked the Lord for reminding me of my duty as a son of a King and of how I am to walk with those I consider different.  Thank You, Lord, for my quiet moments in the men’s room.  

Daily Battle Order:

Today, choose not to be easily irritated by those around you.  Approach them with Love, trying to see them as God’s children.  Be determined to walk in a manner worthy of a son of God, not with pomp and grandeur but humility and gentleness, so the Spirit can help you build a legacy of peace and not division.

1 comment

1 Comment

Peter Cianci
Peter Cianci
Dec 13, 2023

In today's World especially, this is a convicting reminder! Less of me and more of you Lord...less of me!!

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