“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21 (ESV)
“and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,” Ephesians 6:17
We've been looking at the Armor of God this week. We are to put on the first three pieces of armor daily and take up the next three as needed.
Using Baseball as an analogy, each player must properly wear their uniform to be allowed on the field. However, players do not bring their fielding gloves to the batter’s box and certainly are not allowed to take their bats with them onto the field of play. The players take up their gloves, bat, etc., as the situation requires. Likewise, we must take up our spiritual shield, helmet, or sword as the situation demands.
As a physical helmet protects the brain, our spiritual helmet protects our mind. As the brain is to the body (sending commands and receiving impulses), the mind is to the soul. We get to choose what inputs we listen to, and these inputs enter our soul.
One loud input can be a voice saying, “You’re no good,” “You’ll never win,” “Everyone is out to get you,” etc.(=Condemnation). Another voice can be a word behind you, saying, “This is the way. Walk in it” (=Conviction).
Without God, it is challenging to tell the condemning voices (& all the junk from this world) to ‘Go away!’ With Salvation, we now have access to a filter between the world and our own soul.
Salvation is God’s available, free gift, but we must receive it.
Likewise, we have to choose to take up the Helmet of Salvation.
When choosing which voice to listen to, I think of a picture like the one above of a guy with a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. The guy is about to choose which voice to listen to, and the consequences accompanying either voice. You may notice the guy does not have his spiritual helmet on.
For me and my family, stupid attacks (voices) seem to come just as we are preparing for bed. When these do come, I’ll take the lead in praying (something like), “Lord, we take up your Helmet of Salvation. Thank you for your free & wonderful gift. Protect our minds. We want to hear only what you have for us; send anything that is not from You far, far away. In Jesus’ precious name.”
This armor is not just for you; it is all who are saved and called by His name.
Standing Battle Order: Daily choose to put on your belt, breastplate, and shoes.
Daily Battle Order: First, assess when condemning voices come, how successful you are in taking up your own Helmet of Salvation. What about other influences, social media?
Second, this armor is not just for you. Can you say, “Follow me, I know the way”? Discuss today with your family what taking up the helmet means for you & your family.