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Applying The Truth: Illuminating

via TJC

This week we have focused on victory, truth and discipleship. Today we focus on the light, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John‬ ‭1:5‬

I don’t know about you but I sure can’t weave my way though all the narratives on tv, or in social media. Take Covid-19 and a very simple question- is a person's natural immunity sufficient (especially when they have recovered from covid) or do they need an emergency use vaccine to be healthy?

A young man I greatly admire is headed back home today, having been discharged from the Marines with a general discharge for not getting vaccinated. He is young, healthy, recovered from diagnosed covid infection. As a Marine, his chosen path since childhood, was rewarding as a flight mechanic and crew chief for VIPs. A strong Christian, a gentle warrior, he honored all protocols; but he just could not accept a narrative that he needed this vaccine to remain healthy and effective.

With four days notice he is now discharged and headed home, and while he has mixed emotions he has a clear mind and heart hearing God’s voice and directions illuminating his path.

Following truth is extremely difficult if not impossible in today's world without the Bible. Complex topics have different outcomes for each of us at times, but each of us must choose between theTruth and what is not true. And with it comes consequences; that last a lifetime, and for those without Christ - an eternity.

Daily Battle Order; we all have choices to make - what college to attend, who to date, what church, what job, how to respond ethically, even how we choose to take care of our bodies (covid may have been easy choice for you, but how about your diet and fitness habits). Where do you need God's light and truth to shine ?

Write that down and go to your mentor or accountability partner today and share the decision before you.

As for this young Marine I salute him and with a hearty Uraugh proudly proclaim “Semper Fi” as he chose the greatest One ever to remain faithful to - his Lord.




Apr 08, 2022

I need His light to shine on my diligence at work, how I interact with family members, how I interact with my coworkers, my forgiveness towards those who have hurt me, how I view our finances, and more.


Tom Burke
Tom Burke
Apr 08, 2022

A strong and thought provoking DBO. The authors statement "...but each of us must choose between the Truth and what is not true." This is the one I read several times. It reminded me of Jesus' words about abiding in His word and knowing the truth and the truth making us free. Knowing the truth also makes us strong! Praise God for this young man who chose to follow God and His truth, even about his own body and sacrifice his childhood aspirations. Clearly a man who has done away with childish things. I can't wait to hear where God takes this young man next.

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