via TJC
“So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.
For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” Romans 8:12-13
I have been greatly blessed to have many people of faith in my life. They’re from all walks of life - every race, every financial background, and every personality type. They arrived at their station in life from many different angles, yet they shared some distinct characteristics in the area of “living the Gospel”.
When I think of “living the Gospel”, one person immediately comes to mind. She is the one individual in my life who was more like Jesus than anyone else I knew. She would be the first to refute that claim by listing her faults, but I had the privilege of watching her in action for almost forty years. She was my grandmother, the preacher’s wife. A nurse by profession, mother of 6 children, teacher, midwife, housewife, gardener, wood cutter, mechanic… you get the idea. God used her to make me uncomfortable (I needed it) many times over the years. Her (and Grandads) home seemed like a perpetual homeless shelter. We never knew who would show up for meals or prayer vigils or study sessions. I can’t remember anyone ever being turned away, no matter what they looked like (or how they smelled). She raised many children in her home, but only 6 were her own. I know of so many people who came to know Christ specifically because of the love of “Granny”.
I mentioned similar traits in all these folks who “live the Gospel”. Here are the most consistent ones:
Faith. No matter the circumstances, unshakable belief in the love, goodness, and power of God through the story of the Gospel.
Bible study. Consistent, unfailing dependence on God’s Word as truth.
Service. Nothing says “love” like sacrificing for our dear neighbors.
Daily Battle Order:
Focus on the above listed characteristics and ask God to give you many opportunities to exploit them today. Do it and experience the joy of living the Gospel!