via TJC
“For I have known (chosen, acknowledged) him [as My own], so that he may teach and command his children and the sons of his house after him to keep the way of the Lord and to do what is just and righteous, so that the Lord may bring Abraham what He has promised him..” Gen 18:19. (AMPC)
This week we’ve discussed living our identity, as Kingdom men. So, what is a Kingdom Man?
From Tony Evans, “A Kingdom Man is a man who visibly demonstrates the comprehensive rule of God underneath the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of his life.”
As a Kingdom man, you represent the King. As a representative to the King, your purpose is much higher than just yourself as how you live your life has impact, and probably much more impact than you may know or realize.
In the verse above (Gen 18:19), the Lord proclaims He knows Abraham as one of His own, and for Abraham to teach and train his family and those he influences “in what is just and righteous”, which will impact the whole world. Think about it: as Kingdom Men we inherit that same commission.
In the garden, even before the Eve and before the Fall, Adam had a job, a purpose, a place to live, and relationship with the Lord God (“Adonai” “Yaweh”). One mark of a Kingdom Man is someone who takes responsibility for his actions.
When Satan tempted Eve, he dropped Lord/Master from the name and just referred to “God”. In other words, “Did God say …”, and not “Did the Lord/Master God say …” .
This part of the message is what hits home most for me: Am I living so that the “Lord” is fully Master of all parts of my life, or with a knowledge of “God” and me keeping control of some parts? If Jesus is not Lord of all, then I am not living as a Kingdom Man.
Daily Battle Order:
The NFL has a phrase: “Don’t tell me what you can do, show me the tape.”
Today, consider how you are training those you influence “in what is just and righteous”, realizing that those closest to you are more influenced more by what you do than by what you say.
Fellow Kingdom Men: none of us has arrived to the point of living life perfectly. Like the NFL, living the Christian life is a team sport. And as a team, TJC has training for Kingdom Men to be the positive influencers that the Lord God has called us all to be.
To learn more, there is still time to come join TJC near Chattanooga, TN, April 22-24. Register below.