via TJC
“Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!”
Hebrews 12:1-3 MSG
Thanks for preparing for the battles ahead, as TJC dives deep into 7 key cultural mine-fields. Then we studied Mighty Men of God in our “30-on-30” series. We extended that into preparing for Gettysburg and stories of might men impacted by that stage of the civil war.
We are now going to dive into how those issues directly impact us, and how we step up as mighty men.
This week is focused on the mighty men who lead, shape and labor along side you within The Joshua Commission.
We press into “via” with “The Authors”
Each day when you read your Daily Battle Order it’s been prepared by an author on one of three TJC teams. The teams are anchored in geographical areas where they conduct the battlefield training, build disciples, grow in the word, and write on a rotation. These authors are all mighty warriors - men whose faith comes first in their lives. These are men who struggle with countless challenges, hostilities, attacks and personal crisis; and keep getting up and driving forward. Their personal stories and faith, shoot adrenaline into my soul, and I pray yours.
You read “via” every day as these DBOs are of, and written with the Holy Spirit. All the authors follow a format to write for TJC; pray, do research on topic, draft, put aside, pray, read it aloud to spouse or a confidant. If it sounds stupid throw it away. When spouse smiles - throw it over the fence to our editors. Every day that process takes place so you read a battle order that has been prayed on, rejected, laughed over, intimately approved and then refined. We pray it touches you, inspires, and you also share it, read it aloud and your spouse smiles when you share it.
All our authors are Kingdom Men, who keep their eyes on Jesus, and have trained with us on battlefields and press into the exhilaration of going the distance with Christ. They are an awesome bunch of brothers to hang out with, and they all got “stuff” and a story. Every Saturday at 9am we meet for an hour, online, across the country, and we share prayer requests and praise reports. It blows my mind every week to know and see Gods miraculous touch in so many answered prayers.
So today I want to lift up a prayer giving thanks for these authors; and pray for blessings over their lives
Pastor Brian - to continue growing in wisdom and leading his marriage, family and our elders; and his steady hand hunting and fishing
Pastor Dulerio - for his health, and leading us onto new battlefields in struggling cities like his home in Chicago
Pastor John D - for his energy and stamina growing a church at the crossings in the Deep South, and helping us stretch onto battlefields like Selma; and his golf game
Pastor Dave - enjoyment in the transition, as he has personally shaped how men’s ministries rise when working together in the DC area
Chief Don (in memoriam) - the poet sailor, as a model of passionate leadership; and his families memories of their patriarch
Kenan - the editor at large; who has shared his walk, Taryn’s miracles, and will continue to refine many of our words
Danny- our chief operating officer; that his infectious love of the Lord impacts more than his unique sense of humor
Chris - builder of warriors; that his EMAW ministry flourishes as generations of men embrace discipleship
Tom - the story teller; that his inspired words flow through him, and enable him to complete “the reluctant spy”
Shane - builder in the breach; that You enable his work, removing rubble and the amazing new construction you are enabling for him
Ben - the debater, refine his listening and seeking wisdom to influence so many men
Matt - my daughters husband, my grand children’s father, that he becomes even bolder and driven by the Holy Spirit
Steven - the corner man, that empowers those in the ring; that you fill Him with joy knowing our and others gratitude
Aari - the chef, let us accept the carb loading as we eat like Kings. Let Aari be fed and nourished and be content in you Father
Kyle R - Wow thank you Nana for connecting these dots: Father we trust Kyle to bridge us into new generations; bless him with an incredible romance and future with Beata
Cobb- the gentle giant; bless him as he raises his infant into a Royal position in your Kingdom father
Mike M - the coal miner; Father grant Mike incredible health as his family keeps growing and expanding in your and Mike’s families love
Clay- thank you; I look forward to another battlefield and leaning into your advice. Father please keep filling him.
Influencers and guests who have written innthe past or as part of 30-on-30 and I’m sure I missed some;
Chaplain John the Warrior Monk- PAUSE- may we all step into your word as John. Please keep stoking his fires as we need more men like him that mirror the US Christian Commission
Brett- we/I miss you. Father keep blessing this amazing man
Jeremy - big smile!! Please bless my little brother with an amazing ministry that grows the legacy left to him.
Brandon S- superman! Thank you for presenting TJC so well online each day. Let him know that we see him as a strong barometer of where we are each day
Brandon C- BOOM !! God wow - wrap my brother up in a tight hug - yah let him know it’s a tight squeeze. If it’s a little uncomfortable please tell him Gump asked you get that extra press
Scott F- bold!! Literally the most courageous man I’ve known who absolutely follows your lead
Kyle G - anointed! Dear Father unveil this Kingdom Man as we can’t wait to lean into him
Adam (Chatanooga) - you don’t stand in a muddy creek with just anyone - thank you Father for brining Adam into TJC to divert the waters and show clear paths
Jasenn- “prophetic” - thank you for seeing our dear friend Toby in our home, and even more speaking into Christ’s power in so many lives
Pastor John S- yah you. Thank you for being a strong voice - pointing out grace over all our lives which none of us deserve
Chad K- steady - I so admire your calmness
Wes- chomping at the bit to be in the fight
And the list goes on…
Father i press into prayer, over each man. Thank you for all of them and the impact on my life and the kingdom.
Daily Battle Order
Your turn ! We want you to come train with us. Then we want to hear your story and have you press into via as an author alongside us.
SIGN UP FOR GETTYSBURG: Calling all Kingdom Men! The Joshua Commission will hold its annual Gettysburg Battlefield training 15-16 October or meet us on the battlefield on 16 October at 0830
Click the link above to sign up. Please join us in Gettysburg, experience genuine fellowship with Christian men, and equip yourself for Victory as a prince and warrior in God’s kingdom!