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Victory Serving the Church: Good News

via TJC

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit. - 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

This week we are discussing personal victory in the context of serving the church.

When I took the oath of enlistment to serve my country in uniform, I became something that I wasn’t before. At that moment I went from civilian to military member. Even before passing basic training, I was a military member…a member of something bigger than myself or my family.

I had a similar experience when deciding to follow Christ. I was grafted to the vine and began to transform into a Christ-follower, and I also became a member of something bigger than myself or my family…I became a member of the Church.

Scripture tells us that we are all members of one body with Christ at the head. Normally we go to a church building and we sit waiting to be taught, or for something to happen to us…but that’s the exact opposite of what we are supposed to do! A body MOVES…a body ACTS…at the direction of the head. Our churches exist to bring the salvation message of Jesus to people who need to hear it, and YOU are a member of that. If you are grafted into the vine you have victory in Christ, and you have also become part of the message delivery system…and the message is victory! We have peace with God despite all the ways we don’t measure up, and that is really good news!

Daily Battle Order:

Have you been passively consuming “church services”? Stop. You have been raised as a co-heir with Christ to His kingdom. You share His victory! Church isn’t a place that you go or something that happens to you. You ARE the Church. What can you do today to bring the good news of victory to the lost? Do it!



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