via TJC
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24
God places each of us in a community of some sort. A community may be geographical with a name (county, city, town, unincorporated area), a military base, a campus of students, a neighborhood, an apartment building. In each community are opportunities to contribute. To give back in such a way as to improve the area in which you live for the benefit of that community so that all collectively benefit from the giving and the area is a better place to live because of it. This is called serving where you live.
My Dad is part of an organization called Neighborhood Helpers. It was started by a group of men that wanted to give back to the community by using their skills to serve others who were in need. It grew into a group that now builds at least one or two handicapped access ramps each week throughout a large portion of Hamilton County, TN. Just recently they celebrated the construction of their 500th ramp! These men from diverse backgrounds and skills come together on Tuesdays to prepare the materials for the construction on Wednesdays, weather permitting. They toil, sweat, laugh, and work together so that the finished product is sturdy, lasting, and beneficial. That’s true service, and serving where you live. And at the completion of construction, they all sign a Bible with their favorite Bible verse and present it to the owner as a gift of remembrance and of true everlasting value.
I have had the honor of working together with these men on several occasions, and let’s just say that they can work circles around most anyone, and many of them are in their late 70’s / early 80’s! Reminds me of Caleb, who, in his 80’s both wanted and took the high ground, not interested in “retirement”, but in fulfilling his purpose and the promise given to him by the Lord. He served so that others could benefit.
Daily Battle Order:
Are you serving where you live? It doesn’t have to be a big thing, but can be a small thing, as small things add up to bigger things. It could be helping out that elderly neighbor with their yard or picking up groceries for someone when they cannot get out for themselves. Start looking and I promise you will find an area to serve that will be beneficial to your community where you live, and you will reap the rewards from the Lord as a result of your service. And those rewards are everlasting!