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Numbers - Blessings and Decisions

via TJC

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”  ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭

The Book of Numbers reveals to us many lessons, not the least of which is to have faith in God’s ability to see us through His plans.

God as our king, the commander, has a plan for each of us. He wants to lead us along the way to treasures like joy and peace in our lives. But He is willing to let us quit if we decide to. It must be our choice to follow Him. Our decisions determine our destinations, and quitting the journey because of fear shows a lack of true faithfulness to Him.

Because they lacked faith, the Israelites wandered for 40 years all while less than 2 -3 weeks away from their promised land. Had they just had faith in God’s abilities, just proven in their escape from Egypt (Numbers 14:11), they would’ve spent the rest of their lives in a land rich beyond their wildest dreams.

After selling my company, I was left wandering, unsure of where I was headed next. While reading Billy Graham’s book “Nearing Home”, I felt God leading me to mentor and coach, but I lacked confidence in my abilities.

Once I decided to faithfully follow, clients came quickly and easily. Then I began to feel that I should disciple others at work but had no experience in sharing the word. Just then, an EMAW leader approached me with an opportunity to learn. I’m confident that I’m now walking with God and that I’m serving him, even if I’m not always aware of just how.

Daily Battle Order:

Take stock of the decisions you make today, where you can feel God’s presence leading you and yet, you pause. Are you obedient and faithful to Him in every way? Are you willing to quit the challenges coming your way for the sake of security in the life you know rather than pursuing what God has in store for you?

God is always faithful. He is always ready to lead us. Are you always ready to follow?

1 comment

1 Comment

Tom Burke
Tom Burke
Feb 02, 2023

Hit's me right where I'm at.

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