via TJC
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
The Book of Joshua tells the story of the Conquest of Canaan by Joshua, who had been second in command to Moses. Joshua had been a great understudy to Moses, he knew God’s plan and believed that God could do what He promised. Joshua was leading a new breed of Israelite – those who took God at His word. The main purpose of the Book of Joshua was to show how God kept His promise to Abraham and how the wicked were expelled.
The more I thought about Joshua, that he believed God could do what He promised, I wondered about that personally. Sure, I’ve hoped for things, prayed for things but there is something underlying all of this that I was not considering, do I believe God can do what He promises? Do I live my life as a true Believer, a Warrior, or just a nice guy?
One of the first things Joshua had to do was assume command! “Joshua was victorious in destroying the Canaanites because he was leading a new breed of people – those not born under slavery and who took God at His word.” As a Kingdom warrior I must do the same! As I develop and embrace being a Kingdom Warrior I have to take God at His word. No longer reveling in vain imaginations leading to useless days, but instead believing the truth of God’s word and acting on it! It’s believing, like Joshua, that God can and will do what He has promised in my life and lead others to do that as well.
Daily Battle Order:
Assume Command Kingdom Warrior! Learn how to believe in God as Joshua did. Come and join our Battlefield Maneuvers!