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Writer's pictureTJC


via TJC

Revelation 3:10-11:  “Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world.  I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have so that no one will take away your crown.”

We are diving into these two chapters in Revelation this week and discovering how Jesus is going to hold His Church and us, as Kingdom men, accountable.  The above verses are part of the message Jesus was giving to John about the church in Philadelphia. Of the 7 churches that Jesus speaks about to John in these chapters, this is the only one He doesn’t have a reprimand for. These were the guys who were living out the truth of Jesus’s Gospel. They were living for Jesus, spreading the Good News with humility and grace. And we see this awesome promise from Jesus in the verses today – protection and the hope of eternity.

So many times in my life I have allowed greed, lust, pride, fear, grief, and addiction rob me of God’s best. Despite that, God has lavished me with His grace, mercy, faithfulness, protection, and overwhelming love.

Daily Battle Order:

To be conquerors in these spiritual battles we have been drafted into, let’s be like the Philadelphians! Living out the truth of the Gospel to those He has put in front of us. Loving them while boldly and humbly sharing our faith with them. In the end what matters most is not a legacy I have created around my name, but only the way I have pointed the people God has surrounded me with to the name of Jesus Christ. So, persevere through whatever struggles may come, we have eternity with Him to look forward to and that’s a lot to hope for!



Nov 10, 2022

Philly Dilly


Tom Burke
Tom Burke
Nov 09, 2022

I was pondering being tested this morning, how I have failed that test so many times and yet God's mercy and grace are new every morning. We stratify test results with different grades but it's really pass/fail. Protection from the great testing sounds good to me, I will learn from Christ and persevere!

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